How to Uninstall McAfee Security Center in Windows/Mac?

Go through following to uninstall McAfee security center in mac and different versions of Windows!

If you use McAfee security on devices running on Windows or Apple devices installed with mac operating system but due to some reason you want to uninstall the security software, there are different procedure to uninstall the McAfee security software on operating systems be that Windows or Mac. Here, the procedure to uninstall the software has been given below:

The procedure to uninstall mcafee security center in mac is given as follows:

  • On your Mac operated device, double click on the Macintosh HD and open it.
  • Macintosh HD is hard drive icon.
  • Under Macintosh HD, locate the Places section.
  • Under the Places section, check the Applications icon and click on it.
  • Once you click on the Applications icon, the screen gets updated.
  • Once the screen gets updated, check out for McAfee Internet Security Uninstaller App and double click on it.
  • Under the option of McAfee Internet Security Uninstaller App, you need to select the checkbox that you can see beside Uninstall Site Advisor.
  • Under the option, Uninstall Site Advisor, type the Administrator password that you get on Mac.
  • Click on Finish once the Uninstall tool gets completed.
  • You need to restart the Mac and check if the application has been removed.

Following gives the elucidation on how to uninstall mcafee security from windows 7 and 8.

The procedure to uninstall mcafee security center in windows 7:

  • On the Windows 7 operating system, you need to click on Start button.
  • Under the Start button, you are required to click on Control Panel.
  • When a user clicks on Control Panel, there are many options displayed on the screen, you are required to double click on Add or Remove programs.
  • Clicking on Add or Remove programs, gives a complete list of installed programs.
  • Click on McAfee security center to uninstall it.
  • You get the option Add/Remove or Change/Remove button.
  • Go through on screen instructions and remove security center.
  • Restart the computer and go through above procedure and check in the list of programs whether you can see mcafee or not. If you are unable to locate it, then, this signifies that mcafee has been removed.

The procedure to remove mcafee antivirus security in windows 8:

  • On the keyboard of your device, you need to tap on WIndows key.
  • Click on the Start button under numerous option that you find upon pressing the Windows key.
  • Alternatively, you can select Start button from task bar.
  • Look for the tile of mcafee security center and then, click on Uninstall button.
  • Alternatively, go to the window of Programs and Features and select the option McAfee security center from the list of programs and now, click on the Uninstall/Change.
  • Go through the on screen instructions and finish the uninstallation.
  • When you click on the uninstall/change, the procedure of uninstallation commences and you can clearly see the uninstallation process.

Also, one can remove mcafee security center in Windows 10 through the following procedure:

  • Click on the Start button that you can find at the Task bar of the Windows 10 operating system.
  • Click on Control Panel that you can find under Windows 10 operating system.
  • When you click on Control Panel, you need to click on Programs.
  • Under the option Programs, click on Uninstall a program that you can find under Programs and Features.
  • Select the option McAfee from the program list. When you select a program from the list of programs, you need to click on Uninstall button.
  • When you click on the Uninstall button, procedure to uninstall the program gets initiated and you can see it getting uninstalled.

Above given procedures are used to uninstall the McAfee security software. There are several products of McAfee available in the market and one can go through the above given procedure for any of the product of McAfee and install the software from the mentioned operating systems. Even after uninstallation, you can reinstall the mcafee software if needed. If needed to update the software, you can do that but if you have uninstalled the software, you need to reinstall and if it asks for update, click on the update button and it gets updated. If needed any kind of assistance regarding mcafee software, you can contact the customer care of mcafee and get the solution regarding your query.



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